Monday, February 7, 2011

Your Needs Supplied...All of them!

We've read the scripture, (Phil 4:19) and we've prayed it, believed it, waited on it, and have seen some incredible outcomes, and miracles take place in our lives.  However, some of the answers, open doors, and breakthroughs have not come.  Why?  Have you ever experienced a time when your need wasn't supplied or it wasn't there when you thought you needed it most. Let's talk about that!  What happened?  What was the outcome?  Did you understand then, and do you understand now what happened?  Did it help you grow or are you still wondering when your change (whether $$, or circumstance) is going to come?

Blog to it!!! Get it out there and let's help each other grow and understand.

Michael Anthony Johnson | With Me | CD Baby

Michael Anthony Johnson With Me CD Baby

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Financial Drought For Believers/Christians End

Financial Drought For Believers/Christians Ends...

This year, many financial restraints have been broken and they will continue to fall to the ground.  Ministries, organizations and households with intercessors/warriors will see (because of their continual intercession) spiritual breakthroughs and it will be followed by an increased and  more intense anointing to address this dispensation's  demonic activity. God will give some, not all, an incredible ability to create business strategies and ideas that will bring about great wealth for sustainability and "The Works of the Kingdom of God" to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide. They will have the use of new social networks created by trendsetting believers, and harness the existing social networks and grow reach into all the world exponentially.  It will happen so quickly that onlookers will began to track the successes for historical documentaton of this move of God. Mission organizatons will be established this year or reorganized to support reaching into areas of the world that the gospel has never reached.  Teams of mission workers will be trained to go into untapped villages and unvisited areas to learn languages or create communication cariacatures with the task to translate the Bible into their native tongue. Efforts will follow in sharing the Gospel Of Jesus Christ with them. This will also be followed by many doors of opportunity opening for believers that have always been closed.  This is NOT a prophetic word for everyone, but for those who have an ear to hear, and for those with swift feet, ready to move at the Holy Spirit's prompting.  There will be windows in the spirit that will open for short seasons and those who step through will reap the benefit of having been prepared spiritually to hear and move quickly.  When God says move, they will not think about it, they will only move or be quickly obedient.  Those so equipped with spiritual readiness will see and do many exploits and see great miracles that have never been done in the earth before. Those that continue to walk in a "form" of godliness will continue in their season of drought due to their unwillingness to adapt to this new spiritual paradigm shift.   His servant MAJ

Lead Me To The Rock - Michael Anthony Johnson