Wednesday, October 2, 2013

NIACOM with Carolyn Chelsea Dukes Moments

Here's a overview of the show: Tonight on NiACOM, we heard what 2 Corinthians 4:17 has to say about, "moments" that we go through that "seem" unbearable. It seems like we can't take another second of pain, rejection, fear or whatever, but what is actually happening in the those moments, if we capture a glimpse at the unseen things that are really going on, are experiencing a stand alone moment and God is preparing your victory. It's the moment where Satan pulls out all the stops to discourage you by throwing arrows of doubt and unbelief. It is within this time frame that if the very elect is not careful, the old sleuth foot can even slay the "elect" that has even been through worst than what they are experiencing. In these times, God is relying on you to just "stand" in what you believe and prove yourself grounded in truth and not feelings. Don't trust your unfaithful feelings even at this point because they don't point the way to the unseen, or what's happening beneath the surface of the "seen". Take courage, God is preparing you for...what eye has not seen, what ear has not heard, ...neither has it entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for him. When you make it through the moment, God will reveal what He has been working on inside you, and outside of you to turn your situation around!

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